Saturday, June 30, 2007

Carla's Mission Story - Programa Cielo, St. Anthony's Hospital

Pilsen "Little Village," Chicago, IL
August 2006-June 2007

Mission, I have come to discover, is not something that others can tell you how to do. It is a personal way of life. How you relate to others is your internal mission being put into action, and being a missionary is doing just that.

Orientation helped to prepare me in the true spirit of Saint Frances Cabrini. It was a time when I was able and encouraged to seek God everyday and in everything around me. What amazing things were revealed when I just took the time to recognize God at work. This practice has benefited me more than anything else.

During orientation, the idea of "being present" was habitually reinforced. God was definitely trying to make a point. Point well taken, God! I have made it one of my personal goals to not let the daily "tasks" or "duties" get in the way of me being PRESENT to those around me. I just think about it like this, "people come before paper, because paper doesn't smile back!" This has shown to be very rewarding thus far. Here is just one example. Every morning I walk the 7 blocks to work and on the corner, before the office, is a girl that sells tamales. Each morning as I pass I make sure to greet her with an "hola" or "buenos dias." Then one morning I felt God telling me to buy a cup of whatever she was selling. We started chatting and I didn't understand much beside the fact that she was 18 and had a 4-month-old baby. Well, I guess she appreciated the chat because she gave me one of her delicious tamales for free. Since that day, I have invited her to take advantage of the free services that our program offers to mothers and babies. Can you imagine? She was selling tamales right next to a program that can get her and her baby free health insurance and WIC and she never knew it.

One afternoon I walked into the office and I heard, "Carla, this is my baby!" I looked over and saw the girl holding up her baby with the biggest toothless smile you have ever seen. She handed me her son and as his little hands slapped me on the face I knew that this is what mission was all about. Thank you God!

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