Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Michelle's Mission Story - Mother Cabrini High School

New York, NY
August 2008- June 2009

I've learned that ministry isn't something that we always DO, but many times, it's more of who we are in relation to others - Ministry is Relationship.
Just Another Day at MCHS…

After working at my mission, Mother Cabrini High School in Washington Heights, NYC, I could tell story after story of special or touching moments between students, faculty, staff, complete strangers, and me. However, I’d like to share this one story with you and connect it to one of the important lessons I learned this year.

In mid-February, we had a Stress-Relief Retreat sponsored by the Mission Leaders, one of the clubs I moderate. During one portion of the retreat, students could choose to do a variety of stress relieving activities. Fingernail painting was one of these options. As I sat down with a group of the ladies, Melida, a junior who became active in Campus Ministry this year, turned to me and said, "Miss, can I ask you a question?"

I laughed and jokingly responded, "Of course!... Unless it has to do with politics or math!"

She smiled, but as fast as it had appeared, it dissolved into a serious expression. She quietly lowered her brush into the bottle of her magenta polish and met my gaze: "Miss, were you close to God when you came here?" Melida’s direct question took me aback, I must admit.

I responded by explaining that although my relationship with God was strong in August, it had grown stronger after this ministry year. "Sure," I had said, "Jesus and I talk and I listen – sometimes I do more talking than listening, though. But this year, God’s shown me just how gentle and full his love is for us. And he’s told me this through students like you. So, it’s totally grown stronger this year."

Melida seemed satisfied. She broke into an enormous grin, nodded, and said, "Good. Because I think you’ve gotten closer to God, too." With that, she returned to her attention to her fingernail polish.

"That’s it?!” I thought to myself. "Really? Shouldn’t a question of that caliber be followed up by some philosophical discussion or treatise of some sort?" I stared at Melida, but her concentration had turned to comparing colors with her classmates. So, left to my own thoughts, I stood up and continued my rounds to the next group of students.

One of the most rewarding gifts of being a missioner is the lesson I've learned about the nature of ministry itself. I've learned that ministry isn't something that we always DO, but many times, it's more of who we are in relation to others -  Ministry is Relationship. Presence within these relationships is often more important than what we do - it's all about loving and allowing ourselves to be loved. Within that framework, the single most important relationship in our lives is our relationship with God-- all others will fall into place behind that. In learning to love ourselves in the way that God loves, we naturally become more accepting of our own flaws, as well as the flaws in others. There's so much healing involved! It's hard to love ourselves as God loves us, because we're SO GOOD at believing the lie that we're not good enough. God loves us absolutely and completely! We don’t have to prove ourselves or compete for attention in this relationship. I still don’t understand it and on some days, still struggle to accept that love.

Nevertheless, when we allow ourselves to freely love ourselves and love others as God would, those around us notice. They may not voice it in a way that is as direct as a question like Melida’s—they may not even tell you at all. But that’s just it - because Ministry is Relationship, and relationships are made up of connections, we never know just how far those connections (be they greetings, long discussions, a smile, glance, wave, daily interactions) may bring the light of Jesus to others. In turn, I was refreshed and given light from Melida’s affirmation and presence. So praise the Lord!

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